And you are banking on the chance that you will know and understand all the facets to the problem. Life may progress through its conflicts when you do all that you can on your own, but then relationships may end sooner because not everyone can get their cards out with you.ĭoing things together is better than doing everything for yourself. The good news is that in Phase 10 and in life there are more parallels- in Phase 10, you can rapidly excel through the rounds if you can get all your cards played sooner than others, then the game is over. Do you do whatever you can on your own to get out, or do you bring your pieces to collaboratively work with others to finish the conflict?ĭo you go to your friends, family, and Co-workers in conflict and forgiveness? Or do you try really hard to solve the problem or task once and for all until next time you have conflict? How do you play Phase 10? Do you wait until you can go all the way out then no one else can play, because you managed to save all your cards to end the round? Or do you play your Phase, then try to get out what you need to end the round?ĭepending on how you play, may shine a light on your conflict management style.